Mid-Morning Delight: Wilbur’s Sweet Fritters

Mid-Morning Delight: Wilbur’s Sweet Fritters

You see, by this hour, I’ve usually shrugged off my morning gloom. The sun’s warmth has weaseled its way into my halfling heart, and all is right with the world. That’s when I thought, ‘I am going to make me some Mid-Morning Fritters, the crispy, sugary goodness’. It started innocently enough, and just as I … Continue reading »
Delimbiyr Sausage Roll: Mid-Morning Munchies with Wilbur

Delimbiyr Sausage Roll: Mid-Morning Munchies with Wilbur

The Kitchen at Old Nan’s Manor, my abode of culinary enchantment, is where I find my morning solace. And what a morning it was, as I embarked on an adventure of making the unrivaled Delimbiyr Sausage Roll. Now, as you may have heard, Old Nan, is never one to shy away from sharing her thoughts—especially … Continue reading »
Mushroom and Cheese Hand Pies: Mid-Morning Munchies with a Halfling Twist

Mushroom and Cheese Hand Pies: Mid-Morning Munchies with a Halfling Twist

Mid-morning at the Manor often turns into a battle of wills between me and Old Nan. In the Kitchen, there’s a whirlwind of activity as we set out on our latest culinary escapade. This time, it was a jaunt into the forest to gather mushrooms. Old Nan insisted her hounds accompany us. “Oh, Old Nan,” … Continue reading »
Halfling Toasted Bread Pudding: A Mid-Morning Marvel

Halfling Toasted Bread Pudding: A Mid-Morning Marvel

Another bright mid-morning in Old Nan’s Manor, and here I am, grappling with a fresh culinary endeavor. Old Nan, the seasoned sage of wisdom and arcane secrets, may raise an eyebrow at my hearty mid-morning delights, but hey, what’s life without a little adventure? Breakfast may be behind us, but mid-morning brings its own set … Continue reading »