Introduction to Waterdeep’s Potion-Making Guilds

Introduction to Waterdeep’s Potion-Making Guilds

Entry Date: Month of Radiant Skies, 12th Day – Eldertide Calendar My Eternal Companion, Today, beneath the warm embrace of Radiant Skies, I find myself delving deeper into the intricate story of Waterdeep’s potion-making guilds. It is a journey of curiosity and discovery, and within the hallowed chambers of these guilds, I have begun to unravel … Continue reading »
Signature Potions of Waterdeep’s Guilds

Signature Potions of Waterdeep’s Guilds

Entry Date: Month of Radiant Skies, 28th Day – Eldertide Calendar My Ever-Inquisitive Journal, As we continue our journey through the captivating world of Waterdeep’s potion-making guilds, a new facet of their mastery beckons—a discussion on the ever-fascinating signature potions and their profound effects. Much like a tapestry, dear journal, these elixirs bear intricate patterns, each … Continue reading »